Wednesday, July 26, 2023
Two "shawl-scarves" and a pelerine-collar (1861)
Monday, July 24, 2023
The sontag (1860)
What is a habit shirt?
Lady's riding habit shirt of linen, England, ca.1800. Courtesy V&A, accession no. T.104-1966.
The habit shirt was so called because it was originally worn by a lady under her riding habit. Wiktionary defines it as "a thin muslin or lace undergarment worn by women on the neck and shoulders, under the dress." It seems often to have been sleeveless, as in the V&A garment above. We might today, or yesterday perhaps, call this particular kind a dickey.
The term when it referred to a knitted garment seems generally not to have been something worn under the dress, but over it, for example a sontag -- indeed, Mrs. Pullan refers to her sontag as "a sort of woolen habit-shirt," presumably because it was a similar shape and worn in the same place on the body, not because it particularly resembled a habit shirt.
See other habit shirts in the John Bright Collection.